Effective case management asks the same questions over and over:
Is care being delivered appropriately? Is the claimant getting the full benefit of treatment? Can several services be delivered simultaneously? Is the proposed procedure medically necessary? Is continuing medical care necessary and reasonable?
It’s exactly these kinds of questions that ICS case management experts constantly address. The goal is to find the fast track to maximum medical improvement (MMI) or return-to-work (RTW), while identifying and documenting cost savings at every step in the process.
Our approach includes:
Telephonic Case Management
Most of our cases are managed over the telephone. We get involved as early as possible and encourage communications at each step in the process, including:
Utilization Management
ICS is an experienced provider of utilization reviews that track and analyze treatment progress — through notes, findings, and diagnostic tests —to assess the necessity and/or reasonableness of treatment plans.
The aim of our reviews — whether prospective, concurrent, or retrospective — is to eliminate, wherever possible, the costs associated with unnecessary treatments.
Our services feature:
Field Case Management
In certain cases, telephonic management isn’t enough. If the case is especially severe, or if it requires ongoing vocational rehabilitation, we sometimes need to assign special case managers, trained in disability and catastrophic injury management.
We send these managers into the field to consult personally with the claimant, the providers, the carrier, and the claimant’s employer.
Our field case managers provide the following services: