The New Jersey Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act of 1998 – AICRA provides the regulatory structure for administering a Decision Point Review (DPR) program, but the manner in which the program is managed by both the carrier and the plan administrator greatly affects patient and claims outcomes. ICS’ Executive Team helped promulgate the AICRA laws and created the current business model used to administer the AICRA requirements. That experience in the New Jersey auto insurance market makes us unique and the solutions we offer to manage the requirements of AICRA can be implemented in any combination to support your business needs. As those needs change, solutions can be added or removed from the workflow.
Our business model offers an integrated medical claims management program that allows an auto insurer to fully embrace the cost and care management techniques available within each state’s regulatory framework. The services within this program are modified to match the coverage limits, provider and attorney utilization patterns, and endorsed care management techniques typical of each state. The services within the program can also be scaled to match the carrier’s desired distribution of process between its internal claims staff and the ICS professional staff.
ICS’ claims management program includes services to manage each dimension of a claim that affect overall costs: